Marketing online is a lot like boxing

Marketing online is a lot like boxing. You have to play to your strengths and turn that into your jab.

Whatever it is you are best at or enjoy the most, do a lot of it! If your pen is your MAC-10 and you
love to write then go heavy on articles, blogging, ad copy, web copy, and e-mail.

Personally, I enjoy writing. But in the past, I mainly focused on writing knockout articles. The purpose of
the jab is to be able to throw it a lot and still hit your target. In marketing that “Hit” is equivalent to giving
value. Trying to write long knockout articles seasoned with all the write keywords took a lot of time and energy.

That type of intensity should be reserved for books, e-books, reports, scripts, novels, etc. Your daily motive
of operation should consist of lighthearted, naturally expressed content that flows easily when you write it
or speak it.

You can be more productive when you are at ease and write content that you can talk about out loud with friends, colleagues, family, customers, prospects, whoever. So when it comes to blogs, articles, and emails…Keep it SIMPLE and Keep it EASY…Like the JAB.

If you have the “gift of gab” then I recommend that video marketing is your weapon of choice. But you should not neglect the rest of your arsenal especially writing. Video marketing is personable and gives your prospects a better idea of who you are and where you are coming from.

PLUS, in video marketing, you own the floor which minimizes distractions and helps you keep your train of thought. You get to hammer in all the talking points that you desire to deliver.

With video marketing it is just you so you get to do what you love: Chat it up and talk some ears off. AND since you LOVE to talk…your “PASSION VIBE” will ooze out through the monitor into your viewers eyes and ears. That energy and love will marinate in their minds and hearts (you are that good).
This reason alone is why video marketing is your BEAUTIFUL JAB. Keep it up…keep it going…keep it crisp…keep JABBING.

You might be asking, “What about the areas I am weak in?” There are two options. You can outsource those tasks or you can WORK on it until it is no longer a weakness. If work sounds too stressful then let’s label it practice. Shoot videos and write articles until you consider both strategies as your STRENGTHS.
After putting in the work and you have the results and profits you aimed for then you can outsource if you so choose.

“I didn’t hear no bell!” – Rocky Balboa

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