Most businesses today do a lot of their advertising on the internet

Most businesses today do a lot of their advertising on the internet. The advent of electronic media has certainly changed the world of marketing, but only to an extent.

While businesses are clamoring to get their ads online, you should not be too eager to abandon the more traditional methods available. Direct mail efforts are still effective, and as the internet becomes saturated with advertising, it may actually become even more profitable for you to advertise in “old fashioned” ways.

Here are four old (but often forgotten) ways to build your customer base:

1. Catalogs

Catalogs used to be part of the mainstream when it came to advertising. Now, however, you do not see nearly as many of them. But that is actually good news for you: this just means that your catalog will stand out even more!

Catalog printing is great because they are versatile. You can have them done in several different sizes (usually 8” by 5.5” or 8” by 11”) and in a variety of different stock material. Just make sure you choose a reliable catalog printing service that will produce a quality job for you.

2. Booklets

Booklets are similar to catalogs, but usually smaller and more compact. Like catalogs, booklets can still generate tremendous sales if you invest in a quality booklet printing and focus on getting your booklets into the hands of the right customers. Again, be sure to shop around for a commercial printer that will do a great job. You cannot afford to botch your booklet printing.

3. Magazines

This is an avenue that many companies never even consider. Why not publish your own periodical? Think about it: you can tell your customers exactly what you want them to hear. Plus, you can probably sell advertising space for additional profit. If you take the time to design a magazine that will appeal to your target customers, you may see tremendous results.

Be careful, however, to only go after customers that need your product or service. If you try to appeal to everybody, you will be wasting time and money. Focus on your target market, and stick with it.

4. Newsletters

If you do not want to try to publish a regular magazine, go with a more cost effective communication outlet like a newsletter. Like a periodical, a newsletter allows you to communicate regularly with your customers. You can announce special deals or sales that are coming up; you can even introduce your readers to a new product.

Best of all, newsletters are a great way to get feedback from your customers. Just include contact information, so they can get a hold of you, and you will begin hearing from your readers in no time.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit:  Catalog Printer, Booklet Printing

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