Archive for December, 2009

When one gives a quick look at the articles written on blogging, the common theme seems to be making money from blogging

When one gives a quick look at the articles written on blogging, the common theme seems to be making money from blogging. The authors invariably talk about adsense and how we can make money from blogs. Is blogging only for making money? Did blogs begin with that idea? Are we losing the direction somewhere?

300 Manual Article Submissions. One Time Tool! Limited Time Offer

 A blog gives an opportunity to everyone to express himself/herself on the Internet. We feel that we are sharing our deepest thoughts with other members of the world. Blogging is bringing the world nearer to each other like never before. In certain cases, a blog is a great therapy for venting out anger, frustration and other negative feelings, which can otherwise damage the psyche. Blogging was never started with the object of making money on the Internet.

Private Label Rights Articles (PLR) are a fantastic way to add new content to your website

 agine the scenario when the majority of blogs will somehow try to collect content from different sources and hope that their ad gets clicked. Is that not wasting of quality time? Will such blogs contribute to the Internet at all? Who will visit such blogs? Everyone is busy building a blog that makes money, so why should he/she visit other blogs?

A blog can contribute to very lively discussion. A blog can be a great platform to meet people and talk. A blog is a great way to help budding talents show case their work to the world. Let us not make blogs only as a money making tool.

Max bounty is a great cpa network to work with

Max Bounty is a great CPA Network to work with. If you don’t already work with them, then I am going to give you five great reasons why you should. You don’t need to take my word for it; the information I am going to give you is echoed by a lot of my colleagues who enjoy great profits from promoting Max Bounty’s offers.

So without further ado, I am going to present to you “5 reasons why you should work with Max Bounty.”

1. Max Bounty is one of the oldest established CPA Networks – you might be wondering where I am going with this. If you think laterally, you will soon realize this has a lot of relevance. If they were a fly by night company they wouldn’t still be around now, would they? Any payment issues would be well documented online, and as far as records show, there are none.

2. They have one of the largest selections of exclusive offers – these are great if you’re serious about CPA marketing, as you know that these offers won’t be on any other networks, so the potential competition is much lower.

3. Payments are always on time – this is important as if you rely on CPA marketing as your primary source of income (which I advise against – keeping your eggs in one basket and all) then you don’t want all of your profit tied up in the networks banks, while you wait till the end of the month to receive it. If you hit a certain criteria (1k a week) you are also able to receive weekly wires. Another great point is all international affiliate payments are available in your local currency. For various reasons this is very appealing.

4. The support offered by Max Bounty is second to none! You couldn’t ask for more, my affiliate manager is available almost 24hrs a day – I can call her on her cell, email or just use AIM to message her during business hours. Any problems you might have will be dealt with swiftly.

5. If you’re interested in referring other affiliates to Max Bounty then there commission scheme is one of the highest paying in the industry at 5% on all second tier affiliates you introduce to Max Bounty.

Marketing online is a lot like boxing

Marketing online is a lot like boxing. You have to play to your strengths and turn that into your jab.

Whatever it is you are best at or enjoy the most, do a lot of it! If your pen is your MAC-10 and you
love to write then go heavy on articles, blogging, ad copy, web copy, and e-mail.

Personally, I enjoy writing. But in the past, I mainly focused on writing knockout articles. The purpose of
the jab is to be able to throw it a lot and still hit your target. In marketing that “Hit” is equivalent to giving
value. Trying to write long knockout articles seasoned with all the write keywords took a lot of time and energy.

That type of intensity should be reserved for books, e-books, reports, scripts, novels, etc. Your daily motive
of operation should consist of lighthearted, naturally expressed content that flows easily when you write it
or speak it.

You can be more productive when you are at ease and write content that you can talk about out loud with friends, colleagues, family, customers, prospects, whoever. So when it comes to blogs, articles, and emails…Keep it SIMPLE and Keep it EASY…Like the JAB.

If you have the “gift of gab” then I recommend that video marketing is your weapon of choice. But you should not neglect the rest of your arsenal especially writing. Video marketing is personable and gives your prospects a better idea of who you are and where you are coming from.

PLUS, in video marketing, you own the floor which minimizes distractions and helps you keep your train of thought. You get to hammer in all the talking points that you desire to deliver.

With video marketing it is just you so you get to do what you love: Chat it up and talk some ears off. AND since you LOVE to talk…your “PASSION VIBE” will ooze out through the monitor into your viewers eyes and ears. That energy and love will marinate in their minds and hearts (you are that good).
This reason alone is why video marketing is your BEAUTIFUL JAB. Keep it up…keep it going…keep it crisp…keep JABBING.

You might be asking, “What about the areas I am weak in?” There are two options. You can outsource those tasks or you can WORK on it until it is no longer a weakness. If work sounds too stressful then let’s label it practice. Shoot videos and write articles until you consider both strategies as your STRENGTHS.
After putting in the work and you have the results and profits you aimed for then you can outsource if you so choose.

“I didn’t hear no bell!” – Rocky Balboa

Now that you at the point you need to make money from home and don’t know how to start

Now that you at the point you need to make money from home and don’t know how to start. Do you know what type of business you are going to use? Do you need some ideas to get started? Maybe this will help you get a successful internet business started.

The first thing that I would recommend is getting advice from people who know what needs to be done. Now trust me there is no shortage of offers online today. Finding an offer that you can afford is going to be a different story. You need to determine your own budget and decide what you can spend for start up costs.

Now I know that it looks easy to set up a web site and make money instantly. Unfortunately it does not work that way.  I did try to do it all by self and found out the hard way that it is very difficult. You have to know how to set up your site not only to attract and retain customers, but also to rank with the search engines. Each product will have a different strategy for marketing and believe me it will take you time to find out how. This is a major factor involved in people deciding to give up.

The products offered online for the most part do work! If you do not have a lot of money, start with something easy. Look at the programs that will show you how to make money utilizing Google products. I did this and found it was very easy to use. Everything is provided to set your site up and get started. While I did not get rich, I did get to make some money and learned some of the marketing secrets to utilize for my next web site.

Now I know that a lot of people will tell that they ordered a program like this and it didn’t do anything for them. My response would be to ask them what they did with the information. These are not magic books. You cannot set the program on your desk and tell it to make you a fortune. The majority of people who order these programs will do absolutely nothing with them. They will look at the material and then put it in a desk drawer somewhere and call the program a failure. This goes for the more expensive programs as well, you have to put forth the effort.

Another popular way to make money online is selling items on Ebay. This is perhaps the simplest way to make money, providing you have the resources to go out and buy things to sell. However there are pitfalls. Let’s say you go to an auction and buy something you like. Now when you get ready to list it there may or may not be a market for your item. You need to research the market and find items that are going to sell.

Another problem that you may run into is counterfeit items. Where there is a market for an item, there will be someone trying to scam the market. This is a big problem if you end up with the products. Before you buy anything you need to make sure that it is the real deal. A friend of mine bought some baseball cards he believed were worth a lot more than the asking price. When his Ebay buyer got the cards they were determined to be fakes. He was stuck with several cards that were not worth the paper they were printed on.

My personal preference is the Google based programs. You will receive programs that have been proven to work and if you put the work into it, you can make money. Good luck on your new venture.

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